I joined Comiket95!

On Devember 30th 2018, I joined Comiket95 with my tech club members of the university(Tech Club Homepage), and sold ray-tracing books.

I will sell my new book "Photorealism" on Comiket95!
It's about making a raytracer that can handle physically based rendering on C++.
In this book, Theory of Physically Based Rendering and Monte Carlo Integration is deeply explained. I'm looking forward to seeing you guys on east-"ト"08b Day2 on Comiket95! 

I've written two books "Photorealism" and "Signed Distance Field" so far.

"Photorealism" is about theory and implementation of Path Tracing in C++. It also includes implementation of Image Based Lighting, Thin Lens Model, Glass Material. I thought these elements are critical for making photorealistic images, so I included it.

"Signed Distance Field" is about ray-marching in GLSL. It's for ray-marching beginner. There were very few articles about ray-marching in japanese at that time. It motivated me writing this beginner book.

Both of them have very nice book cover. It was designed by my senpai of the tech club. The cover image is rendered by my raytracers. I like this cool and rigorous style design.

So much thankfully, a lot of people came to my place and bought my books!
All of book(including other member's books) sold out before 12:00pm, It was only 2hours after the open of Comiket95. I was very surprised :o

On the next comiket, I want to extend the contents of "Photorealism" and publish a new book about Bidirectional Path Tracing. It will be very large book I guess :p

If I have time, I want to write english version of my books too and sell very cheap on some e-book websites.
